Saturday, 27 March 2010

Memories Remain - a story behind the photo

This is a composite of two photographs. The scene is from last spring when my husband and I were out driving in southern Illiniois. It began as an overcast day, but quickly, the clouds began to look ominous. I was taking shots of this old house out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by only flatlands when the winds began to blow hard. I quickly returned to the car and when we turned on the radio to see if there were any storm warinings out, sure enough, we found that we were in the same county that was in the middle of a tornado warning! Thank goodness, it was more in the upper portion of the county, but it sure was scary there for a while. We drove south and eventually ran out of the stormy area.
I had the idea of placing the face of my portrait of Tom McCorkle in the clouds so that it might convey to the viewer the idea that the former occupant's spirits can many times be felt if you are open to it while you explore around or in these old abandoned relics. The memories don't die...they are left there forever.
Written by Julie Dant

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