Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Magic World in Fractals by Suzanne Chouinard - First Solo Exhibition ar deArte Gallery

We have a great pleasure to inform you that we started solo exhibitions at deArte Gallery. First artist to present her stunning fractal compositions is Suzanne Chouinard. Read what the artist herself says about her new works.

Doing fractal art is my way of working with abstract forms. Yes the road to learn that craft has been difficult because I had to struggle to find all the informations necessary to study it. They are not easy to find as there are no books made for teaching how to do this kind of art. All the information available is scattered in bits and pieces on internet and it take hours of work to collect them and learn them. But the shapes and lights it creates are enchanting and always a source of wonder to me when I see them taking life. The greatest part of the work is done by the software I use. I could not imagine them alone.
Now my next goal is to try to reproduce them in painting. That would be a great achievement for me if I achieved this. But there are so many things I try in art that I did not managed yet to work on them. There are not enough hours in a day to do all I would like to do in art.
Suzanne Chouinard

Below you may see some of the works presented in our gallery. To enjoy a full collection, visit our website. We will be grateful to hear your opinion on Suzanne's new works.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Never Too Late To Fulfil Your Dreams

Katarina Fagerstrom Levring, Swedish self-taught photographer and mixed media artist has recently joined our gallery. Her outstanding works and achievements in professional photography contests are a proof that never is too late to live the life of your dreams. Katarina took up photography 2 years ago. Regarding the fact, how much one must learn to acquire the level of competence enabling to participate in world art contests, it is really great success of Katarina's to receive IPA and PX3 awards.

We are eager to see more works of Katarina and pleased to invite you to our gallery to enjoy her awesome floral abstract compositions.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Protecting your copyright and licensing rights by Daniela Bowker

I want to share with you invalubale article send to me by one of our gallery artists, Katarina Fagerstrom Levring. The article is dealing with basic, yet most important issues for us all creative people. It has been written by Daniela Bowker and to respect Daniela's rights, I publish here only some excerpts of the whole text. The rest you may read on Small Aperture Blog.

Copyright and Licensing Rights

The first thing to get straight is that there’s a difference between copyright and licensing rights. If you take a photo (or compose a song, or write a story… you get the picture) you own the copyright to it. That means you have the right to have that photo attributed to you and you can say how, where, and when you want it reproduced, if at all.