Thursday, 9 June 2011

Transmedia Artist Marketing a valuable resource for every serious artist by Katarina Fagerstrom Levring

Light Movement II by Katarina Fagerstrom Levring
To every artist who has doubts about his or her capability to market their own works, I can tell you this: there are some really good resources out there on the Net, suitable for every artist in need. One of those is a site called : Transmedia Artist Marketing, which is run by poet and artist Marie Kazalia. Kazalia also owns and runs the blog called Artist Marketing Salon where I first came to know about her excellent services. The Salon Kazalia describes as:

started this blog on February 3, 2009, to share useful information with other artists, as a free reference library of sorts…a repository to aid you in your own self-directed art promotion and artist marketing...

It is indeed a vast resource for self-promottion, worth bookmarking and taking your time looking at more closely, at an affordable cost:)

At the Transmedia Art Marketing site, Kazalia offers writing services, like article writing, to promote your work and proposal writing for a very decent cost. She also has written an e- book called: "Transmedia guide to making artist submissions", which I can recommend, for the artist who want`s to write herself. Kazalia also promotes a more resourceful and costly service called  "The Virtual Assistant for Artists" which she describes as follows:

Looking for someone to market and promote your art for you? Increase your exposure, artist reputation, and earnings?
Want to work with someone who has the right connections to advance your career? Someone who will craft effective submissions, then make them on your behalf to opportunities you don’t even know exist?
My name is Marie Kazalia. With more than 15 years of experience in the field of Fine Arts and promotion–view my relevant experience here–I am offering my services as a “Virtual Assistant” to artists in all mediums who are looking for personalized help to gain entrance to galleries and exhibitions, find representation, and increase their income from art sales.

I warmly recommend you to check out these resources for yourself, since art-marketing is a large field trying to cover and every artist has their own needs and wants. You are very welcome to check in and tell about your own tips also.


Thursday, 2 June 2011

Thomas J. Martin Starflower and New Bud received Award

We have great pleasure to inform about the success of one of our artists. Thomas J. Martin's work Starflower and New Bud  has recently received the Committee Choice Award by the Boothbay Regional Art Foundation this year and was chosen to be on the cover of the  2011 Exhibition Catalog as well as in their newsletter. We are also pleased to say that the framed photograph was purchased by an art buyer. This same image was selected by the jury as part of the L/A Arts 'Through The Lens' competition and will be on exhibit at their Gallery 5 in Lewiston,  Maine  June 10 through July 16, 2011.

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Magic World in Fractals by Suzanne Chouinard - First Solo Exhibition ar deArte Gallery

We have a great pleasure to inform you that we started solo exhibitions at deArte Gallery. First artist to present her stunning fractal compositions is Suzanne Chouinard. Read what the artist herself says about her new works.

Doing fractal art is my way of working with abstract forms. Yes the road to learn that craft has been difficult because I had to struggle to find all the informations necessary to study it. They are not easy to find as there are no books made for teaching how to do this kind of art. All the information available is scattered in bits and pieces on internet and it take hours of work to collect them and learn them. But the shapes and lights it creates are enchanting and always a source of wonder to me when I see them taking life. The greatest part of the work is done by the software I use. I could not imagine them alone.
Now my next goal is to try to reproduce them in painting. That would be a great achievement for me if I achieved this. But there are so many things I try in art that I did not managed yet to work on them. There are not enough hours in a day to do all I would like to do in art.
Suzanne Chouinard

Below you may see some of the works presented in our gallery. To enjoy a full collection, visit our website. We will be grateful to hear your opinion on Suzanne's new works.

Friday, 20 May 2011

Never Too Late To Fulfil Your Dreams

Katarina Fagerstrom Levring, Swedish self-taught photographer and mixed media artist has recently joined our gallery. Her outstanding works and achievements in professional photography contests are a proof that never is too late to live the life of your dreams. Katarina took up photography 2 years ago. Regarding the fact, how much one must learn to acquire the level of competence enabling to participate in world art contests, it is really great success of Katarina's to receive IPA and PX3 awards.

We are eager to see more works of Katarina and pleased to invite you to our gallery to enjoy her awesome floral abstract compositions.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Protecting your copyright and licensing rights by Daniela Bowker

I want to share with you invalubale article send to me by one of our gallery artists, Katarina Fagerstrom Levring. The article is dealing with basic, yet most important issues for us all creative people. It has been written by Daniela Bowker and to respect Daniela's rights, I publish here only some excerpts of the whole text. The rest you may read on Small Aperture Blog.

Copyright and Licensing Rights

The first thing to get straight is that there’s a difference between copyright and licensing rights. If you take a photo (or compose a song, or write a story… you get the picture) you own the copyright to it. That means you have the right to have that photo attributed to you and you can say how, where, and when you want it reproduced, if at all.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Explore Museums From Around The World In Your Slippers

 Now, modern technology allows you explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, not even leaving your slippers. All this by means of Google’s Art Project . We wonder what  your opinion is about it? Do you think that this project will replace our visits in museums in the real world? or may the virtual visit compare to the pleasure of seeing a real masterpiece of art. Please, share your opinion with us.

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Martin Ping: Transforming Society Begins With Transforming Yourself

The source of the video

Photographic Composition: A Visual Guide to Photos with Impact written by Iris Greenwell

The place of horizon line has shown an important role in the effective use of composition in photography. If you are using the Rule of Thirds to compose a landscape shot you have to ask yourself this question: Where do I place the horizon line? The arrangement of the elements surrounded the horizon line can be a very relevant if you want to have an image with impact. Take a look of these examples and see how I use the horizon line at the top, middle and low points of the frame and how this provides a more interesting composition.

Picture 1 Wildflowers in Fall by Iris Greenwell

Friday, 21 January 2011

Tales Of Mystery Landscape Photography by Danuta Antas on YouTube

Danuta Antas has recently published her mysterious and spiritual fine art landscape photography inspired by Botanic Gardens in her hometown. The works shown in the video are also published in a book under the same title. "Tales Of Mystery" photo album is available on Blurb.

See below what others tell about Danuta's photographic work

Julie Riker Dant You..of all the photographers I know..deserve it and many, many more accolades and recognition for your capture of the spirit that nature conveys to us if we only open up to receive it. Danka.

Danka, the book is gorgeous and touching. You make ordinary scenes speak truths about life.
posted at 03:21pm Dec 15 PST

I am really impressed by your book. It is so beautiful and professionaly done.

posted at 06:35pm Dec 15 PST

Jim Wright's Solo Exhibition Opening

A photo exhibition by Jim Wright
Spectrum Gallery
Racine, WI
January 15 – February 6, 2011

We are pleased to share good news with Jim, our gallery artist, whose solo exhibition has already begun. The opening turned out to be a great success for Jim. Congratulations Jim!:)

Below you may see an opening photo with the artist Jim Wright himslef and his favourite works in the background.

Spectrum Gallery, Racine Wisconsin. show runs until feb. 6

Chris Armytage Featured Artist in Autumn Colours Exhibition

To see the showcase enter here

Marie Ancolie-Romanet has published new book called Lasting Emotions
Danuta Antas has published Tales Of Mystery In Pictures.

Thursday, 13 January 2011

A personal response to the Vivian Maier photo exhibit by Jim Wright

A personal response to the Vivian Maier photo exhibit
Chicago Cultural Center
January 8 – April 3, 2011
By Jim Wright

“We have to make room for other people. It’s a wheel – you get on, you go to the end, and someone else has the same opportunity to go to the end, and so on, and somebody else takes their place. There’s nothing new under the sun.”
Thus Vivian Maier, a recently discovered photographer of the mid to late twentieth century, expressed a philosophy of modesty that perhaps influenced her to make serious and fine photographs and store them in boxes rather than share them with the world. It was only after her death that John Maloof, a young real estate agent, author and fan of flea markets and estate sales, purchased a box containing thousands of negatives. Maloof recognized the quality of the photography and took on the full-time job of editing and cataloging it.

A selection of Maier’s work is currently on display at the Chicago Cultural Center. Some of those images and other photos can be seen at and

While viewing the Cultural Center exhibit I sensed that I was looking at the work of someone inspired by, and in the company of, such twentieth-century masters as Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, Henri-Cartier-Bresson, and Paul Strand, with just an occasional dash of Diane Arbus.
The images suggest a deep compassion for poor and middle-class people, and especially for children. Youngsters are shown at play, under stress, and engaging the camera (and viewer) with a direct, guileless stare. An aging man is asleep on a beach, stretched out in a position of great vulnerability. Another man, perhaps homeless, sits curled on a sidewalk, his face tucked out of sight. Two young girls stand in a store doorway, one shy and retiring and the other forward and curious.

Maier’s obviously wealthy subjects do not seem to fare as well before her camera. In two photos, rich women glare at the camera with apparent disapproval, perhaps of the photographer, perhaps of everything. In another, a well-dressed man sneers as two men help a man on crutches through a doorway.

In addition to the photos of people, the exhibit has a few scenes featuring architecture in light and shadow. But the overall impression is that the photographer was fascinated by people, and probably loved them – especially the less privileged. But we’re left with the mystery: why didn’t she share her work during her lifetime?

Whoever that person is, getting onto the wheel of life in Vivian Maier’s place, he/she will have some big shoes to fill.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

The Most Amazing Story Of The Century

Today, I have come across this video published on FaceBook by one of my friends. I want to share this story with as many people as possible, as in my opinion, it is by far the most intriguing, amazing story of the century. For it is about an artist, I am sure that you too, will be interested in listening and watching the video. I am curious to learn your opinion, so please, leave comments below.